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open the GATE!

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 raduate  Aptitude Test in Engineering ( GATE ) is an all India examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of the candidate in various undergraduate subjects  in  the engineering /  Technology / Architecture and   post-  graduate  level  subjects   in Science. The Indian  Institute of Science (IISc)    and  seven  Indian  Institutes  of Technology   (I I  T s  at  Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati,  Kanpur,   Kharagpur, Madras  a n d   Roorkee)    jointly  administer  the conduct of GATE.The operations related to G A T E  I n  each  of the 8 zones are managed   by  a   zonal  GATE  Office at the IITs or  IISc. The Organizing Institute in  Is   responsible  f o r  t h e  end - to -end  process  and  coordination  among the   administering   I n s t I t u t e s. The Organizing  Institute  for  GATE  2015 is IIT Kanpur.  

Duration and Examination Type
The  GATE  examination  consists  of  a single  paper  of  3 - hour  duration  that c o n t a i n s  65  questions  carrying  a maximum  of  100  marks. The question paper consists of  both  multiple  choice questions (MCQ) and numerical answer type questions. The examination for all the  papers   will  be  carried  out  in  an ONLINE  Computer  Based  Test (CBT) mode w h e r e  t h e  candidates will be shown    t h e    questions in  a  random

sequence on a computer  screen.   The candidates are required to either select the answer    (for MCQ type)  or enter the answer      f o r   numerical   answer  type question     using   a    mouse on a virtual keyboard      (keyboard   of  the computer will   be   disabled).   Candidates  will   be provided   with   scribble    pad   for rough work  and   these    have   to  be returned back after  the   examination.   At the end of the 3-hour window,  the   computer will automatically  c l o s e     the   screen  for further actions.   The   E n g i n e e r i n g Mathematics  will  carry    around 15% of the  total  marks,   the    General  Aptitude section will carry 15% of  the  total marks and   the  remaining   70%    of  the  total marks  is  devoted  to the    subject of the paper.


Computer    Science  and    Information Technology
Digital Logic:    logic       f u n c t i o n s, Minimization ,  Design   and synthesis of combinations  and    sequential  circuits; Number    representation   and computer arithmetic   (fixed and floating point).
Computer Organization and Architecture:  Machine  instructions and addressing  modes , A L U and data path, CPU  control  design,   Memory interface, I/O  interface  (Interrupt and DMA mode), Instruction   pipe lining,   Cache and main memory, Secondary storage.
Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C; Functions, Recursion, Parameter  passing,   Scope,   Binding; Abstract   data   types,   Arrays,   Stacks, Queues,   Linked   Lists,Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps.
Algorithms Analysis,Asymptotic notation, Notions   of   space and  time complexity, Worst     and average case analysis; Design: Greedy approach  Dynamic programming , Divide  - a n d - conquer;
Tree  and  graph   traversals,  Connected components ,   Spanning trees , Shortest paths ;   Hashing  ,   Sorting ,  Searching. Asymptotic analysis(best, worst, average cases)   of   time   and  space, upper and lower   b o u n d s ,   Basic   concepts   of complexity  classes  –  P ,   NP  NP-hard, NP-complete.
Theory    o f   Computation  Regular languages  and  finite  automata, Context free language and  push-down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Undecidability.
C o m p I l e r Design: Lexical analysis, Parsing  ,   S y n tax  directed translation, Run time environments, Intermediate and target   code  generation,  Basics of code optimization.
Operating System:Processes, Threads, Inter   process    c o m m u n i  c a t i  o n, Concurrency, Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU   scheduling,  Memory management and virtual memory,  File   systems   , I/O systems,  Protection  and security.
Databases: ER-model, Relational model (relational   algebra,  t u p l  e  calculus ) , Database    design  (integrity constraints, normal forms),  Query  languages (SQL), File structures (sequential files,  indexing, B and B+ trees), Transactions and concurrency control.
Information  Systems and  Software Engineering:     information    gathering, requirement and feasibility analysis, data flow   diagrams , process   specifications, input/output design, process life     cycle, planning  and    managing   the   project, design, coding, testing, implementation, maintenance.
Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error control techniques, Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4),
Application layer protocols (icmp, dns, smtp, pop, ftp, http); Basic concepts of hubs, switches,
gateways, and routers. Network security – basic concepts of public key and private key
cryptography, digital signature, firewalls.
Web technologies: HTML, XML, basic concepts of client-server computing.

Getting good score in gate doesn't depend on which book u follow. Study the books that u have been studying since 2nd year. Study the books that u are most comfortable in .
For securing good rank in gate u must have constant practice on the problems and always stay in touch with gate study. For that purpose u can join any coaching inst(like gate forum). There u will be in constant practice. Also u must solve previous year gate questions and MUST take some all India test series (normally starting from October).
1>>”Discrete maths and its applications” By Kenneth Rosen
2>>book by Tremblay and Manohar
The explanation in this book is really very good and “easy  to understand”. This book is must read for GATE preps.
1>>”Introduction to Algorithms” By T.H.Cormen et al.
This is “THE” book for Algorithms. The Book is simply brilliant, it  makes you understand every details of Algorithms
“Introduction  to Computer Theory” By Daniel Cohen.                                                           
 Korth and Navathe 
1>>Operating System Concepts By Galvin et al.
Read “Digital Design” By morris mano [period]
1>>”Computer Architecture” By Morris mano
2>>”Computer Organization” By Zacky,hamacher
3>>”Computer Organization Hardware/Software interface” By
Hennessey and Patterson


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